An IMA or independent medical assessment can give you an unbiased insight into the medical condition of an individual. It will give details about the ability of the individual to perform certain tasks. This assessment will be carried out by a medical professional who is not involved with the primary healthcare of the individual.

An IMA can be requested by a potential employer, legal professional, insurance companies or government agencies. This is to get an independent medical opinion about your overall health. An independent medical examination is carried out with objectivity which is further helped as a medical professional outside an individual’s primary healthcare is chosen. This objectivity is required when an unbiased opinion is required for a legal or insurance matter. For example, your insurance provider will need to determine the extent of injury you have to understand how you can be compensated. Sometimes, the extent of a medical condition or disability will be assessed by a physician that is not involved with your care. You will be able to obtain a thorough diagnosis and evaluation of your medical condition. Your medical history will be provided to them by your primary healthcare provider. And the assessing physician will carry out a physical examination. There may be additional tests that you are required to undergo. All of these procedures will help the physician understand the severity of your medical condition. At the end of this, a clear diagnosis will be formed.

When there are insurance claims or workplace injuries,

An assessment to determine your functional capacity will be carried out. In this procedure, the assessing physician will check your ability to perform certain tasks. This is something that will be carried out when it comes to cases with disabilities as well. The physical abilities and limitations of the individual will be assessed. Some of the areas that will be considered when it comes to functional capacity of the individual are their endurance, strength, cognitive abilities and mobility. This gives valuable information when determining disability benefits, treatment plans or when deciding whether your work capabilities are sufficient for a potential job.

There will also be treatment recommended at the end of an independent medical assessment.

This involves how to manage your medical condition using certain medications, modifications to your lifestyle, therapies etc. This will further help guide your healthcare ensuring better treatment outcomes. If you happen to be injured at the workplace or you want to make a disability claim, the assessment will include an impairment rating. It measures the permanent impairment of an individual resulting from an injury or medical condition. There are certain guidelines established to determine the degree of impairment. This will help determine how you are to be compensated and what kind of insurance benefits you are eligible for. If there is a dispute about the medical condition of an individual, an independent medical assessment will be carried out so that the dispute can be settled. It will provide an answer on the functional abilities of the individual or their medical condition when there are conflicting medical opinions.

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